$eDate: “13 december 2023”
“Pro-CCS: Microfunding for Culture” is a project that bridges the skills gaps of arts and cultural entrepreneurs and connects them with business and microfinance resources. The project supports overall CCSs by reinforcing the competencies of professionals active in the sectors and aims at bridging the cultural and creative sectors with the financial sector in order to facilitate access to microcredit.
In this final event of the project, project partners invite representatives from cultural and creative industries, local, regional and national authorities related to the cultural and business sector, and policymakers to join a unique opportunity to share and discuss the results of the Pro-CCS project:
● a training course for business development services and financial tutors
● a distance training course for cultural and creative sector professionals
● a toolkit for financial intermediators to support business start-ups in CCS
9.30 – Arrivals, Registration, Coffee
Participants sign-in (include country signature sheet)
10:00 – Introductions and Welcome
Moderator welcome: Jaysha Obispo, Communication Expert and Cultural Organizer (3
- Mention all partners – event co-hosted by Culture Action Europe
- Brief description of the project
- Thank you to Regione Toscana for hosting, hand over for a few welcoming
Simona Simoni, Officer at Regione Toscana (5 mins)
Massimo Macaluso, Euradia (5 mins) – Connecting leadership in Italy to the wide
European landscape, talking about the need to connect conversations between the
Microfinancing and cultural sectors
10.15 – Project Results
R1: Training course for financial tutors/BDS providers (5 mins)
Presented by: Partner ENM, Lorenzo Marino)
R2: CCS Distance Learning Course (20 mins)
Presented by: Partner Culture Action Europe, Maya Weisinger
Special guest: Marco Mabritto from Italian Grower’s Association (AIC)
R3: Toolkit for Financial Intermediators (15 mins)
Presented by: Partner InnoGrowth, Tanya Trayanova
Special Guests: Penko Stoev and Ivan Parushev from IMD
10.55 – Q&A (10 mins)
11.05 – Professionalising Cultural Management | C’Man (20 mins)
Presented by Arthur Le Gall, KEA
11.25 – Q&A (5 mins)
11.30 – Uniting Culture and Microfinance for Growth (35 mins)
Moderated conversation with Barbara Stacher (European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture), Francesca Raimondi (European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy), Arthur Le Gall (KEA), Lorenzo Marino (Ente Nazionale per il Microcredito)
12.05 – Q&A (10 mins)
12.30 – Lunch (90 mins)
(Interviews for participants happen throughout lunch in meeting room) ( Laia Fuste ,
Eduvigis Sarda Sanchez , Maya Weisinger )
14.00 – Side event: Roundtable (World Cafe) (90 mins) (Facilitated by Pauline Lauch)
- Pro-CCS Roundtable methodology
- Traveling guests also participate in the roundtable
- The recommendations that come from the partners’ roundtables will be used as
a starting point for discussion