This guide will quickly become your favourite tool for your daily work. It is part of the C’man Erasmus+ project, whose goal is to enable cultural managers to adapt to the ever-changing cultural and creative sectors - hence CCS - market needs. The project focuses on three critical subjects that cultural managers must be familiar with: project management methodology, green management, and change management. This guide contains all the necessary information for you to easily manage the business aspects of your cultural area. Project management is not a mysterious science, but rather a practical approach that provides hints, crutches for orientation, and aids in providing clarity. This guide looks at project management from the cultural managers perspective. It is tailored to cultural projects of every size. By explaining the most important project phases and giving practical steps to them, it sheds light on how a well-known methodology is used in practise. This manual catalogues all the documents that provide a framework for navigating a seemingly infinite system of numbers, tasks, and calendars. It is critical to note that this is not simply a manual that we recommend reading, but rather a guide that is worth scribbling over and annotating, as it provides not only theoretical background, but also support for practical implementation.


The cultural and creative sector (CCS) must acknowledge the fact that an ecological transition is no longer optional. To effectively address the urgency of the climate crisis and the necessity of adopting environmentally sustainable practises, cultural actors and organisations must consider actions beyond the individual level. Instead, they must conduct a comprehensive internal assessment of their current operations and practises and develop new strategies for reducing carbon emissions, minimising their environmental footprint, and embracing necessary adjustments demanded by the continuously evolving circumstances with which we are faced.

The Green management guide has been created to provide a synthetic approach to environmental and climate issues in the context of cultural management and the different stages of project management. This guide can be read in full, from start to finish, or in parts depending on the issues you face or your interests. It has been designed as a theoretical contribution, but also offers a few tips, resources and tools for practical implementation.

It is also important to note that this guide is complementary to the C'man PMc management and C'man Change management guides, to which it can be referred.

This guide aims to give you the keys to act quickly by integrating environmental and climate issues into all phases of project management.


New challenges continue to arise across the cultural and creative sectors (hereafter referred to as CCS) such as globalisation, the twin green and digital transitions and decreasing funding opportunities. Furthermore, the CCS have been among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This guide, developed in collaboration with international partners, trainers, and experienced practitioners, aims to assist cultural managers in navigating a rapidly changing environment. On the one hand, it offers a comprehensive understanding of change and risk management theories to equip cultural managers with the tools they need to adapt and thrive in an unpredictable world. On the other hand, it makes use of existing tools and resources to ground intuitive approaches that rely on robust methods.

It is aimed at cultural managers in the CCS and might be especially relevant for young graduates and early to mid-career cultural managers who can benefit from the knowledge and experience of practitioners provided in this guide. This Change and Risk Management guide has been developed along with two other complementary guides: a Project Management Guide (link), and a Green Management guide (link), providing cultural managers with the most comprehensive package of resources to help them in the various facets of their work.


There is much to gain simply by reading the training materials or discovering answers, solutions, and templates for your questions, challenges. In addition completing the course and earning a C'man certificate adds significant value.

The C'man certification not only demonstrates acquired knowledge but also serves as a valuable asset to showcase the expertise in the evolving field of cultural management to evaluators and potential employers by

  • Knowledge Summary: Each certificate includes a summary of the acquired knowledge, allowing certificate holders to articulate and present what they have learned.
  • Europass Integration: The certificate aligns with Europass standards, serving as an additional capacity that can be directly linked to the project website. This integration ensures that evaluators and potential employers recognize the added value of the certificate holder.
  • Relevance in Cultural Management: The knowledge provided by C'man is highly relevant in the dynamically changing cultural management landscape. It addresses emerging trends, such as the increasing importance of sustainability in grant approvals.

To complete the lesson, you will need to watch all the videos and view all the documents, and then answer the questions asked at the end of the lesson. If you answer more than 75% of the questions correctly you will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.